Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Reflections on the year gone by:
The Christmas rush and fuss is over for another year. Again it was a wonderful time filled with family and friends. We are very thankful that Ron's dad was able to be with us this year. Things have been so touch and go with him lately that we count each day as a blessing.Moses finished his first semester at Presbyterian with A's & B's, a girlfriend, as a pledge for Alpha SIgma Phi, and voluntarily being a member of the Monday Night Discussion Group aka Bible study. I am so amazed at the way he and all his friends have transformed themselves in just a short 6 months. It is hard to believe that in May that Senioritis ruled their lives and now in December they are quite the compentent young adults.

It has been an industrious year for Ron and his fellow mountain bikers. They have now carved out 6+ miles of single track trail. I had to laugh when he asked for bulbs and such to plant at the entrance to the trail. Ron completed this year of biking with very few injuries. This means either he is riding more cautiously or he is riding the less difficult trails. Either way it is nice not to have had any broken bones to tend this year.

As for myself it has been a most rewarding year. I have been so lucky to have had the opportunities to study under Sara Stine and Marcia Macdonald at the Sawtooth Center. I am looking forward to classes with them both in 2008. I am also going to get my first level certification in Precious Metal Clay this spring of 2008. Can't wait to do it. At the top of my wishlist is taking a weeklong class with Marcia at the Penland School. The other thing I hope to do this coming year is to teach a few classes.

Here is wishing that everyone will have a happy and rewarding New Year.

May grace and peace be yours,

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